Satisfying demand with supply – one link at a time.
What is Linxecon?
We are a matchmaking platform servicing the knowledge economy.
Why Linxecon?
There continues to be an underserved need for quick provision of live, knowledge based help without the associated costly overhead of minimum onsite or appointment charges. Not only do we provide efficient options for in-situ help - we facilitate an innovative ‘storefront’ for those who can provide said assistance.
How does Linxecon work?
As simply as making a connection should be.
If you’re ready to stat helping others, just stay logged in. An indicator on the knowledge provider listing will show that you are online.
If/when you need to go offline, you will have the option of having the system email or text you whenever your services are requested.
When a connection (via video chat) is made, you’ll have 2 minutes to demonstrate that you can help your prospective customer and then your billable time (in 15 minute increments) will commence.
How to set it up
Linxecon for Knowledge Seekers
Linxecon for Knowledge Providers
7. Ready for connection!
Note to Knowledge Providers: 30% of the posted rate goes to Apple. Linxecon service charge is 1%.
Future Version Upgrades
Knowledge Provider service provision dashboard – accessible via secured login on Linxecon desktop website. Initial reports will include:
1. Call Reports (duration, successful vs unsuccessful connections, call date/time, etc.)
2. Revenue Tracking
Ability to make Knowledge Seeker seats for online team building and revenue pooling.
More Knowledge Provider categories!
Enhanced Knowledge Provider Search Criteria (ability to extend search to knowledge provider profile details to optimize matchmaking selection)